Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome to our adventure...

It's Monday, Victoria Day in Canada, a day of relaxation and for Josie and I, a day of preparation. After over 6 months of being engaged, we have decided to pack our things and hit the road on an Atlantic Canadian adventure to Cape Breton.

We will be embarking on our voyage beginning tomorrow morning, after a brief appearance in a Newmarket traffic courtroom to dispute a ticket (fyi always remember to get your licence plate sticker). We will be travelling from Newmarket to Peterborough to visit with a friend of ours and then will be on the road for the 2000km journey to the heart of the Atlantic, Cape Breton Highlands National Park.

The weather forecast is showing that we are in store for sunny weather, albeit some cold nights, however it should be an exciting adventure. We will be camping, which is a change for me, as my step mother pointed out last night, I am not exactly a nature-type person... I am exciting to travel again and to be reunited with the province I came to cherish over the years.

After much analysis (read "paranoia"), I am confident that my ol' trusty Cavalier will hold up on the long drive, the temperature shouldn't be too warm to cause over heating (as experienced on my last Florida trip) and with new brakes and tires, I think we're good to go.

Both Josie and I will be updating this little piece of internet real estate while we travel, hopefully there will be adequate wireless coverage for the laptop, if there isn't then we'll post once we get in range of coverage. To make things a little more interesting (and hopefully efficient) we will be using different colours for our posts, I will use blue, whilst Josie will use a colour yet to be determined (she will be comparing colour swatches this afternoon I suppose).

In any case, please comment on our postings if you'd like, we are glad to have you join our adventure.

PS - the Jays just got a homerun...

All our best,

Josh (and Josie).

1 comment:

  1. Safe travels! I look forward to following the journey.
