Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy to be stuck with you!

"Yes it's true,yes it's true,
I'm so happy to be stuck with you, Cause I can see,I can see, that you're happy to be stuck with me" Mr. Huey Lewis

Yes it is true I am stuck with you...in this car...but I am happy to be stuck with you...just joking on the stuck thing...
Truthfully, I am really enjoying this trip so far! I am enjoying singing along to silly songs, holding your hand for hours on end, laughing together, at times making small talk about things such as "why is Country Style going out of business"?LOL!! Mostly I have loved the few quiet moments..quiet moments with the one you love are wonderful..and not because you don't have to listen to someone talk constantly but because when you are with your loved one it is a comfortable silence that you share. A time where you take in all the things around you, the scenery, the sounds of the wilderness around you, the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair and every smile that passes your partners lips. Silence is golden...whoever came up with that one was right on..

Well it is getting late so will end it here...

Goodnight and Good dreams

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