Sunday, May 24, 2009

Alls well that ends well...

I didn't have the energy to write last night when we arrived home, therefore I'll recap now.

It was a wonderful trip, Josie and I were so fortunate to have the beautiful weather that we had. The drive was long, but we managed to do it with no issues, except for that hellious speeding ticket in NB.

While driving home I was fortunate enough to witness the sun rise over the mighty appalacian mountains of Quebec, it really capped off such a great vacation.

I would normally be sad that an east coast trip is over, however it is different this time as I am able to lay down tonight, with Josie by my side, knowing that we have many, many years of adventures ahead of us. Who knows, perhaps a mini-josie will be with us on our next trip (because the world needs us to have a little josie-posie, not a Josh).

Until next time, take care, thanks for joining us.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

C'est tres bien...

Presently we are driving through Quebec, just outside of Montreal. The weather has been pretty good. Come to think of it I don't think we saw a drop of rain the whole week.YAY FOR GOOD WEATHER!!
Nothing much to say this time around besides that I have really enjoyed the week. There is nothing that compares to relaxing time away with the one you love.
The only thing to complain about now is the bug bites that are only now starting to appear from our camping experience. SCRATCH...
Well I'm starting to get a bit drowsy..nap time?? Love ya babe!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Taking the long road home..

Where to start? Well yesterday after a wonderful nights sleep we got back into the car again and headed out to Peggy's Cove. What an absolutly breathtaking sight! We walked around and took pictures for the longest time! Josh didn't even complain about me taking too long to get the shots I was looking for!Thanks baby!
After taking in all the sights at Peggy's cove we headed to Tantilion to pick up provisions for our camping excursion.
We then drove back in the direction of Peggy's Cove to find a campsite for the night. We found a cute little place right by the water in Glen Margaret. It was nice but too many bugs!!
We quickly put together our campsite so as not to get eaten alive. I put together nice beds in the tent as Josh cooked us some yummy steaks on the little BBQ we put together. Dinner was wonderful and Josh being the outdoorsman he is, made a great fire that seemed to keep the bugs further away.So proud of you!
In the morning we showered in a scary shower at the site..bugs..eww.. Soon after we packed up all our belongings and hit the road.
We then headed in the direction of Pictu, a very cute small town wher we had a nice visit with one of my oldest friends of all time Melissa. It was really nice to catch up and to see that she has done so good for herself..Proud of you girl!
I just realized that since I have been so tardy keeping up with the amount of blogs Josh is putting out here I had neglected to mention that the day before we made a stop in Oromocto, New Brunswick at the Shopper's to see some of the old staff I worked with. Not very many people are left or were working but it was very nice to see those of you who were!!!
At present we are driving through New Brunswick,,where if I'm good and if we make it early enough we might stop in at the Jungle Jim's where I used to work for some chicken wings!!!
I will end it here for now...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dang it's dark out here

Wow, what a day! Peggys Cove was awesome (as ever). The beauty of that place never ceases to amaze me.

We took a nice long drive out in the backroads of Nova, had some great lunch at a small town diner.

We found a campsite about 45 mins from Halifax, basically were in the middle of nowhere, which is okay because I've never seen stars like this before.

I am pretty darn proud of the fire I built, as well as the steaks we cooked on the new little charcoal bbq we bought.

Well, its off to sleep again, we'll post more tomorrow.

Ps - Josie made up the tent really nice, it's like a mini room palace!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quality Inn's are just that, Quality and more!

Haven't had a chance to post anything until now, this evening went by very quick.

We're now in Halifax, it's so great to be here, if I was ever given the chance to move here I would, hands down.

Had some delicious pizza, courtesy of King of Donair in Dartmouth, best pizzas and donairs in the world. Now were about to rest our heads in a real bed, at the Quality Inn, my favourite hotel chain. (I frequently stay with them in Montreal when on business).

Anyways, off to bed, Peggy's Cove tomorrow.


My Dad would be totally impressed...

Were now in Oromocto New Brunswick at Josie's old work, right beside it is a really old Canadian Tire store that recently shut down. I think I've seen bigger bathrooms than that store.

Anyways, we have a change of plans, we're going to go to Halifax for the night (yay hotel bed comfort), tomorrow we'll make our way to Cape Breton for a night of camping.

A weather report says 32 degrees tomorrow, I'm hoping it is in celcius or I'll be more angry than my brother is towards Alex Rios and Vernon Wells (baseball references are fun).

There is a whole lot of Canadian Forces happening around me right now (CFB Gagetown in near here) so I better go.


So much to say so little time...

To start off we made it through the night...I need to not watch scary movies..I was so sure we were going to be awaken by some crazy traveling
We both woke up groggy so it was a great relief to find this truck stop with showers...clean showers might I add!!Yea!! Very greatful to have found this place!
So, we hit the road again..maybe a bit too hard since We got pulled over. 380 dollars later and Joshua is not a happy camper..but one coffee later he's doing much better!!
Just when we thought that things weren't going our way...I spotted a moose!! So we pull over, it runs into the woods, then comes out for a clear PHOTO OPP!!! It was great!!
Now that the excietment has passed we are driving along..watching our speed of course...So off we go...
Enjoy the day!! - certainly have!!!